We showcase the listing page of Los Alamitos Dental Care, a renowned Local business business located at 3551 Farquhar Ave #102, Los Alamitos, ZIP Code 92780, California. This business is a proud member of the local community, serving customers in the Los Alamitos area and beyond.
As a leading Local business provider, Los Alamitos Dental Care offers outstanding services and products that meet the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction. They are easily accessible for residents and visitors in the Los Alamitos area, ensuring convenience to their services.
This business is listed under the Local business category in the United States Local Business Directory on BestYell.com. You can count on our directory for reliable and verified business listings across the USA.
Follow Los Alamitos Dental Care through their Facebook Page. Join them for updates, promotions, and more information about their services.
Read customer feedback: Customer reviews and ratings can give you insight into the business's reputation. Verify Contact Information: Ensure the contact details, like phone numbers and emails, are correct. If available, visit the business's official website. Verify Location: Double-check the business location using the Google map provided.
Operating Hours: Check the business's operating hours to make sure they are open when you call. Be aware of any holidays or special closures. Secondary Contact Methods: Look for other ways to contact the business, like email or social media, if the main phone number doesn’t work.
Avoid Sharing Sensitive Information: Do not share personal information such as your social security number, credit card details, or passwords over the phone or email. Check Representative's Identity: Ensure that the person you are speaking with is a legitimate representative of the business. Check their name and position on the business's official website. Before proceeding with any legal matters, consider researching local $stateName state laws. It is also advisable to get advice from an accredited privacy counsel to ensure adherence and to secure your rights and interests. You can find more information here by looking up a licensed privacy legal counsel.
Weather Conditions: Ensure the weather is suitable before planning your visit, particularly in areas with extreme weather. Operational Status: Make sure the business is open on your planned visit day, including any public holidays.
Legal Issues or Disputes: Document any legal issues or disputes and seek legal advice. Consider reporting the issue to consumer protection agencies. Address Listing Errors: Report any inaccuracies such as closed businesses, wrong phone numbers, or incorrect addresses. Submit a report using the following form: Contact Us Form
Post a Review: Post your review on the business's Facebook page or Google Local Business. Your review will assist others in making informed choices.